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Our values


Earning our customers' trust the GOLDMARKET way means listening to them and acting on their behalf.

Your trust is earned, which is why we strive to build a long-term relationship with you, based on a thorough understanding of each customer and his or her needs.

Close to our customers

Thanks to its national and international scope, GOLDMARKET enjoys close geographical proximity and strong relationships with its customers.

We know them and advise them on how to achieve their financial goals.


Trust and transparency are the core values of our business.

They have guided our growth and development since the company was founded. Today, these same values permeate every decision we make.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Our teams enjoy their work and offer you the best experience in our branches.

At GOLDMARKET, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!

The best price

At GOLDMARKET we are committed to offering you the best prices on the market.

If you find a better price elsewhere, we'll guarantee the same price and refund the difference. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!


Respecting our customers' confidentiality is paramount.

GOLDMARKET has set up an organization and procedures to guarantee the respect of the duty of confidentiality attached to the information in its possession in compliance with the regulations in force.

Have a question? Contact our GOLDMARKET experts